DIY: Fireplace Redo

27 January 2021

Are you ready to see a serious transformation? I can't even believe how well this fireplace turned out. I've wanted to redo this since we bought our house. It's always been ugly and I hate when it shows up in the background of pictures. I've tried cleaning and it's never worked. It's just a plain eyesore. 

Honestly, I've been a little scared to paint it. I've never been able to decide on a color-- dark or light? Dark would look awesome but the room is downstairs and I don't want to make it any darker. It's a really hard decision. 

Finally, I decided I was going to do it. I think the great result from the bathroom and using that awesome primer might have convinced me. So I started one afternoon and got a whole coat finished before I got the stomach bug and it took me out for like 2 days. The rest of the process was a bit slower. I painted coats in the evenings after work so it took a lot more time than I anticipated. 

But I could see the light. I kept getting so excited about the final outcome. After I got the primer on, I decided the base should be a different color. Knowing that fires leave a mess, the ash and coal would stain the white, I wanted to go with a darker color. Couldn't make up my mind.. until I found a can of paint from our living room. BAM! That's it. 

I absolutely love the outcome of the dark base and white brick. I initially decided that I was going to replace the mantel all together... 1. I don't think the current one is proportional and 2. I wanted a wood-tone. When I started looking, it appears it was just painted at some point. So I started sanding and found pretty wood underneath. This part still needs a little work but it looks so much better! 

Still not proportional to the fireplace but it adds more depth! And the colors look so awesome and refreshed. I'm so happy with the outcome of this. I just keep thinking that I wish I did it sooner! I love it and it was almost a free upgrade since I had all the supplies on hand. Love it! xoxo


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