Emily - Month 5

25 October 2019

First of all, these months are confusing! Emmie just turned 5 months old on the 22nd but I'm making my "Month 5" post. I've written this down to check myself a millon times but I feel like I'm ahead. Whatever, she's precious so let's talk about Em. She's growing so big and so fast! I can see all the little things she's learning each day. She's dying to sit up! And she's grabbing everything in sight. She's so fun and so easy going! She proves that a little more each month. 

Emily started eating baby cereal and purees this month, that's probably the most notable. She had the worst diaper rash which made me, Emmie girl and her teacher so sad! We finally got it cleared up and hopefully that will stay away for so long!!! 

Our friends Wendy and Daniel visited early in the month and brought their little ones. Madalyn is 5 weeks older than Kate and Olivia (pictured below) is about 6 weeks younger than Emily. So wild how that one happened! 

This is Emily at the park one day. Passed out as soon as we got there. But that sweet, sleeping face was too precious. So I had to grab a picture of her and her little elephant! Goes everywhere with us! 

I really, really love this picture of Em. This was the first time she got in her little activity table and she loves it. Absolutely loves it. She can play that piano like a boss. We started calling her DJ Emmie! She looks so grown. 

Sister even comes around to play. It's adorable, she pulls up her chair and sits next to Emily and just talks and plays. 

I got this picture from school one day. So happy! I think the caption said, "It's FriYAY mama!"

So sweet! These girls love each other and love being close to each other. Kate is constantly holding Emily's hand and I swear Emily was reaching for Kate's hand to hold while reading the other night. You sisters are so precious together.  

Another picture from school! Big girl is getting the hang of holding her own bottle. I know these types of milestones make so many mamas sad but it actually makes me happy to see my kid growing and thriving. I know I will be said someday as she grows older but right now it makes me so proud of her! And this girl looks so good in yellow! Yellow is the color I think of when I think of Em, so happy! 

I know I've already posted the next couple of pictures but I just love them of her so I wanted to include them in her monthly update. 

This month has been so fun. I always say that but the months really just keep getting better. You are growing so much and so fast. You love everyone and you smile all the time. I say that every month. You are so happy and so calm and chill. You are exactly what our family needs. You are patient and easy going, you love your mama, daddy and Kate so much! You bounce constantly and it's my favorite thing. 

We took lots of family outings this month and even started going out to eat again. You've been so good everywhere we go. You are sleeping like a champ and sleep from 7p-6:45a. It's seriously a dream!! You are probably around 14lbs now and probably 25ish inches long. Still wearing 0-3/3 month clothing and small bows finally look good on your head! 

We love you sooo sooo big and are so happy you are ours. Love you sweet baby girl! XOXO

My babies obviously love to eat the monthly update cards. I can't wait until next month, if I remember correctly- Kate tore the 6 month one up! 

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