Kate's 1st Year of Dance

27 June 2024

Kate just completed her first year of dance lessons and very first recital! She loved the recital, not so much the dance classes every single week. And don't even talk to her about doing jazz again! Hahah. But seriously, we loved watching her shine. She got on the stage with all the confidence in the world and did such a great job!! And now her and Emmy put on little shows for us in the evenings. It's incredibly sweet. 

Kate and Elise at dance pictures a couple weeks before the recital. I swear I thought that thing was a visor but Kate insisted that it was a headband. It's still weird. 

Recital time! Emmy not thrilled about any of it. We had to be there so early. So Brian and Emmy dropped me and Kate then went for a daddy/daughter pizza date. 

Kate's friend Vivian was there to see her sister and stopped by backstage to say hi! 

Right before her first dance. She was in the opening number and then number 43!! 

The sweetest! 

She's so precious! Amazing job our little girl! We love to watch you shine!  

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