Emily's 5th Birthday Party!

30 June 2024

We had Emily's birthday party last month and she had so much fun! And we loved celebrating our girl with all her friends. She wanted an american girl doll birthday party but I finally talked her into Barbie instead. Which was much easier! I swear she ran the entire time and had the very best day! 

In My Bunco Era: Taylor Themed Bunco Night

29 June 2024

I don't even know how I'm going to summarize how fun "In My Bunco Era" was. It was a blast and I seriously had so much fun planning this bunco night! Love that the group photo has the "lavender haze" lights in the background! Perfect! 

Kate's 1st Year of Dance

27 June 2024

Kate just completed her first year of dance lessons and very first recital! She loved the recital, not so much the dance classes every single week. And don't even talk to her about doing jazz again! Hahah. But seriously, we loved watching her shine. She got on the stage with all the confidence in the world and did such a great job!! And now her and Emmy put on little shows for us in the evenings. It's incredibly sweet. 

Recipe: Mushroom Bourguignon

26 June 2024

Hello fantastic recipe! I was a little apprehensive of this one because it's all mushrooms and I like mushroom, don't love mushrooms but was open to trying this. SO glad that I did! I am so glad we made this, it was really fantastic! And we really loved the polenta. It's definitely going to be in the rotation at our house. And was so easy to make! 

Bowling with the Caldwell Family

25 June 2024

We had such a fun time bowling with the Caldwell family last month! I always love getting these kiddos together. It's so fun to see some of our best friends and all of our kids become little friends. Gosh, so many memories and we're just carrying it on with them too!! 

Recipe: Asparagus with leeks = YUM

24 June 2024

OKAY new recipe time. And I really, really love this one. We've made it like ten times already and we just found it about a month ago. It's delish and super easy! You should really try it. And don't skimp on that mustard sauce. It's divine. 

Trip to Wye Mountain

23 June 2024

Year number two at the Wye Mountain Daffodil festival. The weather was 100x better this year but y'all.. you couldn't pick them! Which is what we loved so much about this place!! We made the best of it, took some pretty pics then went back to town and chowed down on Mexican food! 

TOTAL Solar Eclipse 2024

22 June 2024

I feel like we have heard about this eclipse for like 4 years and now after witnessing total darkness, I have to say.. it was pretty awesome. And I will remember this image above for like, ever. Brian and the girls did this for a solid hour before it really started to happen. And Kate would yell, "it's happening!!" over and over and over again. The excitement was so hilarious. And the fact that school let out for this is still pretty wild. 

Halls Moved to Little Rock!

21 June 2024

Speaking of people moving to Little Rock... the Halls moved a couple months ago too! We are all now within like .03 miles of each other. How fun is that?!

Weekend Fun with the Middlekauffs

20 June 2024

What a fun weekend!! Ya'll.. we're had so many family members move to town, it's been amazing. Molly and Christian moved a few weeks before they closed on their house and ended up staying with us one weekend. It was so fun to spend time together with all the Middlekauffs! 

Easter 2024

19 June 2024

This year Easter fell on March 31st. And if you follow this blog or know us, you probably know that's also the one-year anniversary of the Little Rock tornado. I had been dreading this day for months, not really quite sure how I would feel so what I should feel. Or if I should just try so hard to ignore the day all together. I went with the latter-- until our church showed a one-year slide show recapping the work they had done. Thanks, GUYS!!!! Kidding.. kind of. As the day came to a close, I turned my thoughts to gratitude and remembering the significance of the day, the actual day, not the one we had the year prior. And I found a lot of hope in the promise of brighter days and never ending support. 

My birthday

18 June 2024

I had a birthday! And it was so lovely and fun. Thankful for these friends who hosted such a fun night out! I'm so thankful for their love and friendship. 

Cocktail: Aperol Spritz

17 June 2024

I'm sure you've all seen and heard about the delish cocktail that is an aperol spritz. I'm probably like two years behind on this but the picture was just too pretty not to share. And with the blood orange, beautiful! If you don't know, it's 2 parts aperol, 3 parts prosecco and 1 part club soda. Garnish with an orange and enjoy! XOXO


Spring Soccer 2024

14 June 2024

And that's a wrap on the spring soccer season! I think I'm more of a fall girl. The weather was too crazy!! Tons of rain cancellations, playing in the rain, rescheduling games, and we also got to experience a double rainbow! The season was actually still really wonderful. Kate grew a lot in the game and both girls had so much fun! Daddy returned as an assistant coach and so many of the girls games were on different days so we got to spend more time attending each others games. See you in the fall! 

Holidays in the Heights

13 June 2024

I somehow missed this one too! This is one of our fun little holiday events in our neighborhood that the girls just love! They will wait in line alll day to see Anna and Elsa and then meet Santa Claus! It's the sweetest! 
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