Emily Turned FIVE!!

01 July 2024

Our Emmy girl or should I say Emmy baby turned FIVE in May! It's getting to be a stretch to call her my baby. She's growing up and sometimes I really can't believe she's starting kindergarten this year! She did inform me recently that she WILL not be a big kid, she's going to stop getting older at six. Maybe we can just keep her little forever! 

We got her a bike for her birthday and we just knew it was going to rain all day on her actual birthday. So the girls were playing outside the night before and we just gave it to her! It ended up not raining... like at all on the 22nd! 

She was so excited she couldn't sleep. She always gets that way. She woke up at 4 am asking if it was time. Finally around 5:30 we woke up and checked out her presents. 

She insisted that daddy go buy her donuts.. which he did. She got plenty of things for her "little sweeties." That's what she calls her off brand american girls dolls :) 

Low quality picture. High quality little sisters. She was so excited that sissy got her just what she wanted!! 

Emily has been asking for this oreo cake from Whole Foods for months! I went the day before to secure the goods and they told me it was out of season. Had no idea that oreos went out of season. I went two weeks later and they had the darn cake. Luckily, my new go-to, Edwards had an oreo cake. And the birthday was saved! 

We had the family over for taco night-- Emily's favorite! The Halls came, the Hollands and we were so lucky Steve and Laura were in town. How fun is it having all these people to celebrate life with. I remember when we moved into our house, we discussed table sizes. We were like all we need is the big (add a leaf) dining table because we never have that many. Now we have so many, I want new tables! The best problem to have. 

Back to present time-- this time from the Halls. What a fun and special day. We are so thankful for your prefect, precious life our Emmy baby! Mommy and daddy love you SO MUCH! xoxo


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