Last Day of School 2024

26 August 2024

Happy last day of school!! I didn't get a picture of the girls together but did get individual ones and I'm going to include the side-by-sides at the bottom of this post. 

Both girls had really good years at school. They (and we) both loved their teachers and they both had the sweetest little classes. Everyone is very much looking forward to them being at the same school. We've actually started by the time I write this and one drop off is LOVELY. 

Best we could get! Emmy with her teacher Mrs. Brizzolara on the last day. 

First day vs. last day. She's changed from wanting to be an artist to a teacher. But first day of school this year, switched back to an artist. Spoiler alert! And yes I encouraged her to wear the exact same thing the last day. 

Fair Park kind of dropped the uniform policy the last month of school so Emmy was thrilled! Beginning of the year she wanted to be a chief of staff and a mommy. Guess she realized what we all should-- it's not fun to be both and by the end of the year, she just wanted to be a mommy :) 

Kate's promotion ceremony on the last day. 

Picture with her teacher, Mrs. Johnson. Looking forward to another year with Mrs. Johnson for Emmy!!


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