Favorite Spot in Our Home: Screened in Patio

28 July 2024

I don't even know where to start on this patio. It's my favorite spot in the house. It's seriously the main reason we bought this house. We spend so much time here and it's such a beautiful serotonin hit for us. We finally, FINALLY got it exactly where we want it and I just really look forward to coffee on the weekends out here. And naps-- my new favorite. 

Memorial Day 2024

27 July 2024

We had a lovely little memorial day at DeGray Lake! The weather was perfect. The water felt so nice and the girls absolutely loved it! Can't wait for a summer packed with lake trips! 

Last Day at TSS

I did something that I've never really done. I changed jobs! I mean I've moved jobs but not really. I started with the state about 12 years ago and my department merged to another and then my boss took a new job and I went with her but I was on maternity leave so I've never really left. Until the end of May, I took a new opportunity at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture. 

Crispy Prosciutto, Broccoli and Risotto

26 July 2024

So I accidently let a home chef box ship a month or so ago. They set my preferences and all were vegetarian dishes. I took the one pictured above and made a couple small edits-- best one was including crispy prosciutto. It was delish and I'm confident we'll make this one again on our own! 

Justin Timberlake in Atlanta

25 July 2024

Took a super quick trip to Atlanta last month to see Justin Timberlake in concert-- pre DWI. Now you can find tickets for like $25 dollars. YAY. But had fun hanging with these friends who I never get to see anymore! 

Father’s Day 2024

12 July 2024

Happy Father's Day to our favorite daddy! We had lots of fun celebrating the man who loves us so well! We went to Purple Cow with my family the day before and I snapped some sweet and silly pictures of the girls with Brian :) 

Happy Little Avocado Vase

02 July 2024

This is how you know you've officially become and old lady. I love this thing and it brings me so much happiness and the people who visit our house. I swear it has quite the following! I got this vase for Christmas from Brian and it's seriously taken since almost Christmas to get roots and leaves. We actually moved it this week to a pot with dirt and it's doing terrible. So I just want to remember it this way, haha! 

Here's THE LINK. Try it yourself!! 

Emily Turned FIVE!!

01 July 2024

Our Emmy girl or should I say Emmy baby turned FIVE in May! It's getting to be a stretch to call her my baby. She's growing up and sometimes I really can't believe she's starting kindergarten this year! She did inform me recently that she WILL not be a big kid, she's going to stop getting older at six. Maybe we can just keep her little forever! 
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