In New York you can be a new (wo)man!

18 October 2022

Hello and welcome back! To my third and final blog post on NYC. I started working on a reel for our trip--still brushing up my reel skills. Stay tuned! But anyway-- our second to last morning, we started by heading over to Brooklyn for brunch. 

New York Part 2

12 October 2022


Not sure why I like this picture so much but I do. I think it's all the nostalgia surrounding it. We really just walked the block like three times before we stopped in this place for a drink. And it was so great. But I'm jumping ahead. I'm here (in this post) to talk about day 3 in NYC. Proceed :)

In The Greatest City.. NYC Part 1

10 October 2022

I know.. you are probably thinking we just took a solo trip to New York. We did but then the world shut down and we did nothing for a really long time. We longed for the wonderful food, drink and entertainment that NYC had to offer and lucky us--on the week after the mask mandate was finally lifted, we were smack dab in the middle of New York! Any guesses our very first stop?
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