I feel like I worked on this project FOREVER! Probably because I did... I originally was going to do this during my Pinterest project challenge but realized I really had no where to put 2 burlap pillows. So when I moved and got a little couch on my patio I figured it was the perfect time!
I mean this burlap fabric has been cut for umm.... since July! Finally I took it home with me in early December to use my mom's sewing machine. (Since my apt is so small, I don't have room for a machine!)
I realize once I get home that I forgot all my supplies, except the burlap. Went to walmart and got some paint but forgot brushes and at 11PM I realize this... so I painted these with q-tips. Not a fab paint job but it works!
Finally, I sewed the sides and started to stuff... turns out I didn't have near enough to fill the pillows with, so I decide to finish when I get back to Little Rock.
2 months later and I just bought some more fill, finished stuffing, closed the pillows up and ta-da! I have new pillows for my couch. Not that you have any room to sit now since I just added them to the ones that were already outside. But they sure do add a nice pop of color and fun! Enjoy!
Do you love my almost dead mums? I should probably put them out of their misery and just trash them... but I can't make myself!
Back to the pillows- I also made a super cute one for my couch (matched my ottoman) that I'll have to show you in a later post. I'm finally ALMOST satisfied with my apartment so I'll have to start posting pics of my finished rooms! Til then... XOXO