
Back 2 School - Fall 2024

02 September 2024

The girls went back to school last month and everyone loves being at the same school! Emmy is having a harder adjustment to the uniform policy and the whole no naps things! Makes for very tired evenings and earlier bedtimes! 

BVT: Dining Room

31 August 2024

This room came together the quickest and easiest in our home. There is still so much I can do-- mainly to the walls. But for now, it works. I honestly didn't think we would use this room very much but now that we have so many family members in town, we use it pretty often. And when friends come to stay, it's nice to have the kitchen table for the kids (or the patio!) and then dining room for the adults. 

Beach Trip 2024

30 August 2024

We had such a fun trip to the beach this summer. We flew again, which the girls thought was so fun! Except the day we came home-- was the crowdstrike nightmare! We made it home by some miracle. Lots of fun was had all around and we loved seeing the girls spend so much time playing with cousins and our family! 

NOLA Trip 2024

27 August 2024

We took a fun little long weekend trip to NOLA again this year. Has been one of our favorite things. Almost canceled this year because Molly and Christian moved to Little Rock! Luckily the dates worked out and we actually got spend their last weekend in town with them. SO much fun going on a farewell tour with some of NOLAs biggest foodies. 

Last Day of School 2024

26 August 2024

Happy last day of school!! I didn't get a picture of the girls together but did get individual ones and I'm going to include the side-by-sides at the bottom of this post. 

Recipe: Crispy Quesadillas with Salsa + Crema

25 August 2024

This recipe quickly became a staple in our dinner rotation. It's so delicious and every person craves it. Well maybe Kate doesn't. But the salsa and the crema are wonderful-- don't skip them. And they are fantastic leftover the next day. 

Lake Weekend with the Sparks Family

24 August 2024

We had such a fun lake weekend with the Sparks family in July. They just recently moved back to Arkansas and the girls have the very best time playing together. We already scheduled the next weekend hang! 

Favorite Spot in Our Home: Screened in Patio

28 July 2024

I don't even know where to start on this patio. It's my favorite spot in the house. It's seriously the main reason we bought this house. We spend so much time here and it's such a beautiful serotonin hit for us. We finally, FINALLY got it exactly where we want it and I just really look forward to coffee on the weekends out here. And naps-- my new favorite. 

Memorial Day 2024

27 July 2024

We had a lovely little memorial day at DeGray Lake! The weather was perfect. The water felt so nice and the girls absolutely loved it! Can't wait for a summer packed with lake trips! 

Last Day at TSS

I did something that I've never really done. I changed jobs! I mean I've moved jobs but not really. I started with the state about 12 years ago and my department merged to another and then my boss took a new job and I went with her but I was on maternity leave so I've never really left. Until the end of May, I took a new opportunity at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture. 
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