New House, New Living Room

22 April 2017

 I know I've talked about our new home on my blog before but I haven't posted just a whole lot about it. I'm the kind of person who has to have everything perfect at all times and I can't wait.. for anything. So moving is always a struggle for me. I want the boxes unpacked before I go to bed, everything in it's place and to (naturally) look amazing. If I need a piece of furniture, I better find it on my first trip, at the first store I land at. 

Sunday Brunch

21 April 2017

Anyone who knows me probably knows that I've never been a big breakfast person. I really don't want any part of it and if I do, I'm highly particular about what I want. Well in my goal to become a better person, I've been making myself eat breakfast for the past couple months. It still hasn't grown on me but something that has-- is brunch! 

Brian and I have started cooking a big post church brunch each week and I feel like this is something I can get behind. Especially since it's always later than noon. We worked really hard to master eggs benedict and I'm not bragging but we have basically perfected it. 

Brian has been working on his omelette skills and I think it's safe to say, again, he's perfected it! This day he made omelettes filled with prosciutto. Y'ALL so good.  I don't really know what else he used, tarragon and topped with parsley.. it was simple yet so tasty. 

Since this picture (don't you like how fancy I am with snapchat screen grabs?!) we found this amazing ham at fresh market and have made it a couple times with biscuits and gravy.... WOW! So good. I will have to share that one soon :) 


Welcome to the World Sweet GF!

20 April 2017

My friend Whitney had her second child, a girl, Adlee Kate on April 4th. She's adorable and looks just like her older sister, Hayden. In my opinion :) You are so loved little girl and I can't wait to watch you grow! xoxo

Babies + Spring = New Etsy

19 April 2017

I love springtime! I especially love all the new colors that spring brings. I've always loved the little hydrangea + mason jar door hanger (see original HERE) and last month I got a little custom spin on this girl. Sarah requested yellow flowers and one with a gray jar. I'm not currently selling on Etsy, so I won't link there but if you are interested in this design or any others, shoot me an EMAIL. I am accepting local orders. 
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